Scarlett’s Attic – What’s Going on in June

June – A Perfect Time to Start Fresh and Make Change

I am still smiling!

As everyone knows, the past month has been a rough one, but due to the fact that I had nothing, but truth on my side – good friends, my wonderful family and some incredible support from this amazing community, my wall of support was both high and impenetrable. So much so, that everything ended up backfiring onto the person who was trying to hard to spread lies, slander and to ruin me and tear apart my family. Honestly, it’s the lowest I have ever seen anyone go to try and get revenge over something so petty. To attack an innocent four year old is crossing so far over the line it’s disgusting.

Everything I have heard thus far is that she is no longer welcome at most New England events, parties, subs want nothing to do with her, other Dommes want nothing to do with her and according to her – she doesn’t care about the local Dommes and what they think anyhow >>> <<< Just wanted to clarify that with all of you, that she honestly doesn’t give two shits what you all think.

I also want to take this time to clarify a few things I have not properly addressed yet, because you guys know me. I am always honest with you, it’s who I am and who I will always be.

My son has never, ever, ever, been anywhere near or in the home while I run sessions. Neither has the door to the Attic been left open while he is home, save for twice and he had a babysitter (my Mother) while it was open. I was up there cleaning it – mopping, scrubbing the walls, decorating, setting up, etc just after it was built. He was 3.5 at the time and not only could he not climb those stairs, and could not see into the Attic so he could not see anything, but he was on the first floor with my Mother the entire time.

The other time, funny enough, was when she was leaving after our argument, she told her submissive to get her things she had left up there. It is extra funny because her accusations made to DCF was that I left the Attic open while my son was home, but the only person who actually opened the door to the Dungeon that night while my son was home was her personal sub. I was on the phone with a friend and actually heard him open the Attic door…he is the one who neglected to close it, leaving my husband to have to close it behind him, but at this point my son was in bed anyhow, but still. To make an accusation blaming someone else because of something your submissive did to try and make me look bad is just, desperate.

In the end, those who know me and my family know that my son is happy, well fed, clean, safe, well cared for and even a little too spoiled. (Mama needs to stawwwwp) He has everything he needs and then some. Unfortunately, between what she did while she was here and the issues with DCF and the authorities and everyone questioning him, being at the house so much and just the stress surrounding the entire situation, I am going to have to put him into therapy because of this.

So, due to what she did, the false accusations and everything she put my family through, I know have to put my son into therapy because he is terrified he is going to get taken away from us and is so stressed about all the strangers constantly asking him questions that confuse him.

This is not the text of someone looking to protect a child

I hope she is happy that she has helped to traumatize a perfectly happy 4 year old. Good job. Don’t ever wonder why people shy away from you – because you can try and make sense of this and try and make excuses to everyone, but everyone now knows you did it to get back at me, not because you actually cared about my kid. In fact, she hates kids, the minute Thorin came home she was annoyed and decided it was okay to take her food and her personal sub and go into my room, shut the door and stay in there, making herself at home until 11 o’clock at night. It was when I needed to put my son to bed that the issues began, and he sleeps with me because of night terrors right now. The entire thing started because she “did not want to sleep in a child’s room because she did not feel comfortable” and “why did I bring my child home without asking her permission first?” and she also live streamed this all, in my home, without my knowledge as well, which is a felony, so there are witnesses.

I also have over 60 minutes of footage from a Twitch Live Stream I had removed because of bullying and harassment that she did (that is where the Vimeo excerpt is from) of her ranting and raving about me, obsessing about me and literally sitting there with her sub stalking me online.

But all of this has made me realize something, something very important – that the Massachusetts Police Department is very supportive of us overall. Through this I have been in pretty much constant contact with my local PD, Detectives and some of the State Police. All have been extremely supportive and have confirmed with me that yes, if the play is taking place between two consenting adults and there is no prostitution going on – men are making Tributes if they please – consent and safety is respected – nothing illegal (animals, children, sick shit) is happening, then they do not have issues with BDSM, Dommes and people in the BDSM Community doing their thing. They are not there to judge. They are there to make sure people are following the law and that everyone is safe.

I know there is a lot of distrust with the Police right now, but just as such, remember, they have far bigger fish to fry than worrying about us right now and if we are in our own homes, as consenting adults and doing kinky shit…because (and this was pointed out to me, and I did look up and read through the entire list of Massachusetts laws) fornication and sodomy is illegal. Do you see cops busting down doors and arresting people for any of it? No.

In fact. I am debating on – after some more time, when the Covid stuff calms down a bit more, proposing a bill to the House or Senate in regards to protecting both parties in regards to consensual BDSM play in Massachusetts. I know it might be a long shot, but I won’t know unless I try. I feel as though changing the situation would lighten the load on so many of the Mass Dommes and Subs as well, there is so much stress, anxiety and fear in the community because of it, when I feel there should not be, it is mostly unnecessary. Having that bill passed, having it set in stone would be a safety net for everyone, one more thing to calm the storm that seems to surround this very divided community here in New England.

Regardless, I do not want to sit back and do nothing. This entire experience has opened my eyes and made me realize that I am meant to do something greater for everyone. I came out of retirement with a mindset of building a sisterhood between the New England Dommes, who seemed very divided. That IS happened, slowly, but it is. There has been drama, there has been loss, but there has also been beautiful friendships made, I’ve made a true sister and met some people I know will be friends for life. Some of the most genuine and loving people I’ve ever met, I have met through my life as Mistress Scarlett. I refuse to give that up and let anyone take that from me. This is a family, we argue, we don’t all get along or agree, but at the end of the day, we will stand by one another and that is what has happened here. It was such a wonderful thing to see.

And Now, We Bring You The News:

So, now that I have spoken my peace and shared my story with you all, I want to give you some overall new about the Attic and what’s going on.

First Off, Sessions. Sessions are being scheduled once again, but I am limiting sessions per week so make sure you schedule ahead of time! I am making sure the Dungeon is super clean, like floors are mopped after every. single. session. Deep cleanings. This is just an extra precaution due to Covid. I am psycho clean anyways, but yeah…everything has to be perfect.

So…to book, remember – go to the page to fill out the form and then when I receive the email I will get back to you so we can set something up. Currently I am booking into the second week of June with only a few dates, but mostly I have dates left in the third and fourth week of June.

I have very limited availability in July as both mine and my son’s birthday is in that month and we will be going on a small vacation, also I am going to take some time off to do some training with some new whips 😉 Not to brag or anything, but I have gotten extremely good, I can hit something less than an inch tall and less than an inch wide now and send it flying, my wraps are improving as well. I am like a female Indiana Jones. (I love it!)

Anyhow – the June Munch! There will be NO June Munch! I will be scheduling one for Jul IF I AM ALLOWED TO. Please check back here or on FetLife for an update on that. I am so sorry guys, I miss it so much, soooooooo much. It sucks so bad not to have my little Ale House Munch every month so I can see everyone and do fun stuff with you guys. I actually had it planned out to plant flowers in May…I was going to order these little garden kits, they were so cute…dammit.

Next up – my partnering up with Mistress Molly – Perverse Nurse and Mistress Candy!!! This is super exciting and for an amazing cause!!! We all know the horrible, disgusting shit that went down with the murder of George Floyd and the hate and racism that continues to breed and go rampant in this country. This has to stop and this has to be brought out in the open as much as humanly possible. Enough is enough!

Our Original plan was to have people donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, but they have paused donations and listed a great list of others who need help. We have chosen Isuroon

Isuroon is a women-led, community-driven organization that helps Somali women and girls stay healthy whilst giving them a voice. It provides them with healthcare, financial literacy, civic engagement and leadership skills so they can

  • Overcome obstacles such as language barriers, racism and religious intolerance
  • Navigate a complex and unfamiliar health care system
  • Become advocates for their own physical, social and financial wellness

~ If you choose Other and Donate at least $10 you will get $20 off of your hourly session rate.
~ If you choose to donate the $25 to get the Backpack and Basic School Supplies for One Child you will get $50 off a 2 Hour Session

***This is for singles and doubles

I miss you guys!!!

So – other than that, things are getting slightly back to normal around here. Bit by bit, piece by piece, things are falling back into place as I slowly remove the toxicity from my life. Dommes are far from perfect, even though we are often seen as such, we are not. We do our best, and believe it or not, a true, classy, mature Domme will be one of the best people you will ever meet because she is a strong female who is not jealous or scared of other strong women, but attracted to them, because she knows that together they are stronger, she knows together they can make a difference. She is not threatened, she is intrigued, she yearns to know these other, beautiful, strong, intelligent creatures like herself because they are rare. They are just like her, they are her sisters.

This is how I have always felt. How I wish we could be with one another.

Thank you for reading this insanely long blog and I hope everyone is fairing well through this and that both mentally and physically you’re holding up alright (I gained like 7 f**king pounds!!!!!!!) I miss all of you and I am hoping to see many familiar faces soon and hopefully some new ones as well.

As always, thank you for your love and support. You will have mine forever as well.

Mistress Scarlett

Send a Gift or Tribute – Make Me Smile – And I Will Send A Special Photo To Your Inbox

KillStar Gift Cards to carolinebetty69@gmail.com

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