March Update: All the Goings on at the attic

January and February have been a couple of busy, busy months for me. I focused a lot on inner growth and keeping myself healthy through a very difficult personal time. I lost someone very near and dear to me as most of you know. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever been through in my entire life. Nothing thus far has ever compared to losing him and the gut wrenching pain I suffered when he left. I kind of went into my shell for awhile and needed to do some internal healing for my own sake and for the sake of my family. Forgive me for being so absent lately, I just could not get out of my own head and accept that he was gone.

But, with the sun shining again and winter ending and life starting anew, I too am starting to come back to my old self again. I rise in the morning with a new sense of purpose and feel my sense of self coming back to me. After four and a half months of darkness I am finally starting to see the light again. Of course I want to say thank you to everyone for being so worried and for all the messages of concern and offers to chat if I needed it, it always means so much that so many people are willing to be there for me when I am not at my best. I try to be strong all the time, but this year…well, this year has just been brutal, and not just to me, but to so many of us. Between life struggles and facing down this pandemic it’s a wonder we all came out the other end at all. The end is in sight though! Finally! Yay! *waves a little flag*

Now – onto some news.

First, I had to cancel the munches back in December, but as of April they will be back! I will announce the date shortly on FetLife! I am shooting for the 22nd. Normally I do the 3rd Thursday of the month, but since I am going to be in Florida for some time in April, I am going to have it on the 4th Thursday for the month of April. It will be nice to welcome everyone back! I will try and plan something special so that we can all enjoy getting back to some normalcy and having some fun together!

Next, I am back to operating at full capacity again and taking on full time sessions again instead of only a few here and there and regulars, so feel free to book! I’d love to see everyone! I will still ask you the Covid safety questions and am still being ever so vigilant with my cleaning and safety practices, using only medical grade cleaner between sessions to sterilize everything in my play space! (Virex is wonderful) Also – make sure you book early! I am travelling to both Alaska and Florida in the next few weeks so I have limited availability.

Also – I have added Scarlett’s Attic to AirBnb and it can now be booked and reserved online, though I am still taking private reservations through the website should you not wish to stay the night or not wish to pay the website fees! But yes, SA is now a mini kinky getaway! So cool! The cost depends on how busy I am, how in demand the Attic may be and how many people will be playing, but I will give you a good deal which includes.
~ A full tour with instruction by me on how to use anything in the Dungeon
~ Full use of anything in the play space (including rope, furniture, duct tape, candles, toys, etc)
~ Use of showers and kitchen
~ Sleeping arrangements for up to three people should you wish to spend the night
So if you’re looking for an interesting and unique day or night away, come try out the Attic! You can rent by the hour or per night!

Next up – I have a special on some Double Domme sessions! I am currently mentoring two fabulous girls who are at the point where they need to start doing sessions. These girls will be doing discounted sessions alongside me to train, so if you’re in the mood for a double Domme session, but don’t feel like paying $500+ then hit us up! The girls will be doing sessions for $100 per hour Tributes! If you go into the session request form you are able to select them from the menu. If you would like photos or more information about them please don’t hesitate to ask! They need training and Double Domme sessions are loads of fun, twice the fun really! So give these girls a chance to spread their wings and fly a little 🙂 I do plan on doing an article about both of them in the future.

So that’s about all for now from the Attic! I hope everyone is doing alright and taking good care of yourselves and each other. Hope to see you soon!

Mistress Scarlett

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