Masturbation Monday

Masturbation. Touching yourself. Jerking off. Beating your meat. Five finger shuffle. Making the bald man cry. Pulling the Pope. Making Pearl Jam. And GOD knows how many other ways I could say it. We all do it, sometimes once a day and for the addicts out there it can get up to three to four times a day. No really, that is the point where you need help.

But before you go She Bopping under the sheets later tonight, how about knowing some hardcore facts about masturbation. The good, the bad and the one eyed ugly bald man.

First, let’s start with some actual medical facts. The first and most obvious thing is, is it’s the safest way to get off, avoiding STDs, unwanted pregnancies, unwanted attachments, etc. So if you’re looking to just feel good while being completely safe, this is the way to go. Another bonus is it can actually help lower your stress levels and help you to relax, it even helps some people fall asleep.

Having an orgasm releases endorphins. Endorphins are a natural pain killer, so if you’re on you’re period, are having muscle cramps, etc, then having an orgasm can actually be a natural pain reliever. Endorphins also make you feel happy, so it’s like you just gave yourself a big old shot of happy pain reliever.

For men, a 2004 study showed that guys who came more than 21 times per month were 33% less likely to get prostate cancer! Now if that’s not a good reason to beat off once and awhile I don’t know what is!

More for men. It can make you harder and make you last longer during sex, so ladies, encourage a little tug and pull once in awhile, it definitely won’t hurt anything.

It can also improve your heart health, boost your immunity, and boost your overall mood just by giving you that nice shot of endorphins. So you see, there are a lot of different medical reasons to masturbate.

Next, masturbation simply helps you explore your body and figure out what you like and what you don’t like. Did you know most women under the age of 25 didn’t even know where their g-spot was or how to find it? *gasp* Sisters, get over here right now and I will show you where that shit is and what you’ve been missing, because there is a whole lot more to life than clitoral orgasms. They should be teaching that shit in sex ed! But honestly, know your body, you’ll enjoy masturbation and sexual encounters even more.

It’s also proven that when you masturbate it improves your self esteem, especially for ladies, it makes you feel sexy. Especially when you make a thing of it, get a hot bubble bath going, some waterproof toys, light some candles and just have a date night with your body. It’s completely satisfying. Men too, learn to love your body, cause trust me, we love what it can do for us and we love your bodies too, and there is nothing sexier than a man who loves his own body.

Then there’s mutual masturbation, watching each other, you can learn a whole lot about your partner from this. And it can be super fun.

Break out the Sex Toys!

Nowadays they have every gizmo, gadget and toy you can think of for men and women. If you can think of it, they make it. So don’t be afraid to hop on Amazon or go to your local Sex Shop and see what’s out there because this brings masturbating up a notch or two…or three…or four or five or six…..seriously, keep an open mind and you’ll have a lot of fun.

To Porn or not to Porn, That is the Question

We’ve all watched it at least a few times in our life, but when you get to the bottom of things, is porn healthy?

Studies show that porn effects the same parts of the brain that heroin does and can be just as addicting.

High porn users are known to not be able to perform in bed after some time too. They’re expectations become a source of fantasy and when faced with reality they just can’t get it up or perform anymore.

Guys, when you use your imagination it not only stimulates the brain and works your brain cells, making your smarter, but ultimately coming up with a fantasy in your head is different than watching a fantasy on screen played out for you. So honestly, my verdict is, ditch the porn and stick to using your brain. Or at least make porn an occasional thing. And if it starts to get out of control, get help because it could honestly mean the end of your sex life or relationship. Watching a little something saucy together never hurt anyone either, so long as your primary focus is on what’s in front of you and not what’s on the screen.

Overall Verdict

Masturbation is good for the heart and soul! You can do it alone, with a friend, with a partner, with a few partners, with toys, with what you were born with, it’s fun, it’s healthy, it’s safe, there’s no shame in it, just, try and keep off the porn….lol

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